Reflections on Gratitude
We all have something to be thankful for. Each of us has done something extraordinary in this lifetime. Have you ever had a moment when you sit back and marvel at your accomplishments? Just to say “Wow”, to be proud and grateful for your abilities? Isn’t that a fulfilling experience!? If not, I encourage you to reflect. You are wonderful and have done wonderful things! What if you did this more often? Here is what it would do for you…
A grateful heart has more courage and less stress.
People who show gratitude regularly are shown to have an overall satisfaction with life. Stress levels remain low because when you begin each day with gratitude, even the most stressful situations you encounter pale in comparison to all of the goodness in your life. This also keeps your skin clear because stress triggers blemishes, acne and discoloration.
How often are you grateful? Perhaps during Thanksgiving at that time when you go around the table and state what you are thankful for? That’s a great start! I’m sure you are grateful again around December 25 or so but what if you were grateful every single day?
A Challenge
Living on God’s green earth we have an innumerable amount of things to be thankful for. I once read a book (I don’t remember which one!) that challenged the readers to write 3 things we are grateful for each morning before beginning the day. I took the challenge and I am hooked! I also try not to repeat. Be thankful for something different each day. This stretches your thinking and allows you to really savor the happy times in your life. I now challenge you to keep a gratitude journal for 21 days. Before you start thinking of the many tasks of the day, take a quiet moment to appreciate the day. Write 3 things (or more) each morning and watch the transformation in your life.
Need a boost getting started?
1. What do you like about the earth?
Leaves changing colors, random flower you saw in the grass, lovely temperature that day, beautiful place you traveled to… etc.
2. What do you enjoy about your work?
Flexibility, pay, fulfilling, benefits, coworkers…
3. What do you love about yourself?
Your smile, your eyes, your personality, your hair…
4. What do you enjoy about your home?
Décor, windows, your favorite spot, new pillow, faces the sunlight…
These are some examples to use that will last you at least 5 days. It doesn’t matter how small or trivial the things are. You are allowed to be grateful for the massive and the miniscule.
I know it can be hard but keep the negative answers out of this! Some are so accustomed to negativity that it flows so freely from their mouths. Have you ever been on your way out to dinner and been asked what you want to eat? Did you tell the other person what you didn’t want? That wasn’t the question! Don’t do that in your gratitude journal! Really reflect on what you enjoy about life and record it as what you are thankful for in your journal.
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